Roblox Robux DevEx Calculator

Use this calculator to see how much your Robux is worth in real money using the official Developer Exchange (DevEx) rate of 0.0035 USD per Robux. This is a simple way to estimate your payout and plan your earnings.

Robux to Currency Conversion

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Roblox DevEx Calculator?

A Roblox DevEx Calculator helps you figure out how much real money you can get when converting your Robux using the Developer Exchange (DevEx) rate. The current rate is 1 Robux = $0.0035 USD. If you're looking to understand how much Robux you'll actually keep after Roblox's 30% fee, check out our Robux After Tax Calculator or Robux Before Tax Calculator.

What is the current DevEx rate for Robux to USD?

The current DevEx rate is 1 Robux = $0.0035 USD. For example, 100,000 Robux converts to $350 USD. This helps developers understand how much real money they can earn.

How much Robux do I need to use DevEx?

To qualify for DevEx, you need at least 30,000 Robux earned from gamepasses, shirts, or other items. Roblox also requires your account to meet certain eligibility rules like verification and a clean record.

Can I convert Robux earnings to other currencies like EUR or GBP?

Yes! With this DevEx Calculator, you can convert your USD earnings into other currencies like Euros (EUR), British Pounds (GBP), and more. It uses real-time exchange rates so you get an accurate estimate of your payout.

How much is 1 million Robux worth in USD?

1 million Robux converts to $3,500 USD using the current DevEx rate. This is helpful for developers planning large payouts or financial goals.

What is Roblox DevEx, and how does it work?

DevEx (Developer Exchange) is Roblox's program that lets you turn the Robux you earn into real money. Roblox sets the rate at $0.0035 per Robux. For example, if you earn 100,000 Robux, you can cash out $350 USD.

What happens if I sell a gamepass, shirt, or other item?

When you sell a gamepass, shirt, or other item on Roblox, they take 30% of the sale as a fee. For example, if you sell a gamepass for 1,000 Robux, you'll keep 700 Robux. Use our After Tax Calculator to see what you’ll earn or our Before Tax Calculator to plan your pricing.

Why is a DevEx Calculator useful?

A DevEx Calculator helps you understand how much real money your Robux is worth. Whether you’re a game developer, clothing designer, or seller, it’s a great way to plan your finances and see your earnings clearly.

What currencies can I convert to using this tool?

You can convert your Robux earnings into currencies like Euros (EUR), British Pounds (GBP), Australian Dollars (AUD), and more. The calculator uses live exchange rates for accurate conversions.

What are the requirements for using DevEx?

To use DevEx, you need at least 30,000 earned Robux, a verified email and compliance with Roblox's terms of service. Meeting these rules lets you cash out your Robux into real-world money.